Make it Happen

Make it Happen could mean something different to each and everyone of us.

When I read this phrase it inspires me to elevate myself to a higher level of self. It inspires me to walk into places I only dream of. There are so many great thoughts in my mind that I only reminisce about because if I do I just might……. I don’t know.

Plain and simple: it’s called fear. Really and truly we are not to operate in fear. God did not give us the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.

These past couple of isolated months has really brought me to a place of magnitude growth (mind, body and soul). I’ve been reading a lot, I finally came back to Netty’s Blog here, on WordPress, I’ve also been visiting and reading the awesome materials you’ve been sharing……………… Wow!!!

I’ve been walking around filled and rimming over with good energy. I’m waking up and no longer desiring to be dormant. It’s time to break through the ceiling and leave fear behind. I break free from it because it was crippling my mind. I’m ready to make it happen ❤ I’m so glad you’re on this journey with me. I can’t say thank you enough. Know that I appreciate each and every one of you so much and I’m here to support you too. You’re on my prayer list, including your families and loved ones.

“Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.”

― Eckhart Tolle

About a year ago I joined a kick boxing gym and was thriving. I was totally committed to showing up at least 3-4 days a week and put in about 1 hour and half of workout time. I did great until that location closed down abruptly after 6 consecutive months of consistency. I was baffled. I was distraught. I was onto something great. I lost interest but still I knew I had to get back into my groove.

My discouragement came to an end more than a month ago. I noticed that I found myself dancing into my jeans. Oh no…………. I said no with every fiber of my being. It’s been over a month now since I have been walking at least 3 miles around my neighborhood 3 days a week, sometimes 4. It depends on how busy I am at any given week.

As an educator, I’m off during the summer so I’m home taking care of me and my family. I’m realizing if I am to love others unconditionally, I have to learn how to love me. Loving myself first didn’t sit well with me for a long time. I lived to serve and make people happy. It brought joy to my heart. A reality hit me when I realized I was neglecting my well being as a person, as an individual. More than a year ago I began to take a journey on self discovery. It’s been a beautiful journey thus far.

My family, friends, and loved ones are my world. Words can’t express it enough. To say you love someone and not show it is not love. To show love, healthy love is everything. They look up to me and I can’t and will not disappoint them.

To truly love others you got to learn to love yourself first ❤

It’s a delight to sit and express my thoughts to you sometimes. Other times, I choose to keep it to myself. A book about my life is in the works……. meaning I am thinking about it. It’ll eventually come to fruition. Keep me in your prayers.

Make it Happen……………. I shall, I’m working towards it, I have broken the ceiling and not looking back, Amen! You should too…… Make it Happen! I’m not sure what it means to you. You know what it means! I support you………. ❤

Let’s change the world, sometimes it takes one person to start.

Oh…. by the way, I came across this today in a store. It’s my birthday date and it spoke, literally!!!